Untitled Downtown

My present project within the Source Engine: a yet untitled downtown scene, very loosely inspired by the Milwaukee downtown-area. The only textured part of this map so far is the parking garage. Partially because it is the only part of the modeling that is complete. The rest is still covered in developers textures as there is still re-sizing going on, so all textures would need to be adjusted anyway.


Bearing a bit if resemblance to the Bradley Center exterior is the arena portion of the map. My original plan was to have the player go through the front entry-way (but never actually enter the arena itself as this would require a large amount of modeling for an area I never intended to have the player enter).

The original design was to have the player start in a hotel lobby on the other side of the river and cross over the bridge to the arena. Afterwards they would need to fight to the top of the parking garage and jump down behind it to the gas station. Finally working their way through a small market and office building. This is where I hit a snag for design and the project currently sits. I have since learned to plan out the entire map before beginning any modeling so I won’t lose motivation part-way through the project.

Perhaps someday I will find motivation to continue and finish this map…


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