Venturing out of my Unity Comfort Zone

besusplatformer_3For over the last 3 years, I have exclusively worked in Unity 3D for all of my indie game creations, but a few years ago before I learned to use it, I had begun a project in Gamemaker 8 (which eventually got ported to Unity after I had become increasingly familiar with Unity). In August of 2016, I would again revisit Gamemaker: Studio by downloading the free version and after playing around (translation: getting lost) in it for a bit, I had gotten my fill. Enter the insane deal on the Gamemaker Humble Bundle and the itch to explore Gamemaker would show-up again. After a couple of days contemplating the purchase, I bit the bullet and went for it (the included source code files were the tipping point since they would serve as examples for me to see how the engine was structured).

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Creating a Spiritual Successor to Blast Corps

Just over a month ago I found myself looking to scratch a destruction itch that I didn’t know I could have, so to satiate it I had to turn to the only game (that I am familiar with) that could do this: Blast Corps on the Nintendo 64. I was immediately sucked in again. So much so that I decided to get all of the platinum medals and (subsequently) 100% in the game. Needless to say that I was once again hooked. As I was working on my 3D platforming game Besus: Journey for Vitality at the time, my brain was set in game developer mode. So as I was playing through Blast Corps, I was also breaking down how the various elements worked and how I might go about programming them.

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