Geomagnetic Plight (working title) is a side project I decided to start up to develop alongside The Ethereal Plains. I figured I could use something to distract me when I start to find work in The Ethereal Plains too tedious. In addition, I’ve been wanting to start up a project which takes place in a more modern setting (inspired by games like Earthbound/Mother 3).
The general premise for this game will revolve around strange things occurring after the magnetic poles shifted (known as geomagnetic reversal) and our “heroes” set out to find the truth behind the event. The story is still a work in progress, but in addition to not taking itself too seriously, it will take place in “this world”. When I say that, I mean there will be references to things in real life (video games, events, pop culture, etc). While not the primary focus, there will be a minor time travel element which plays in to the main story as well.
Again, this is simply a fun side project to my main one so it likely won’t see the light of day until work progresses further in to The Ethereal Plains. Or I may become completely distracted by it at some point; who knows? 🙂