Allow me for a minute to share some frustration with the self-checkouts; specifically at the grocery store. I am not going to rant about how it takes away jobs because frankly, I love them. What I don’t love about them is some of the people who use them.
All too often it seems people feel entitled or think they are too special to wait in lines. I hate waiting in lines at any store too, but I am not about to inconvenience others by taking an entire shopping cart worth of products to the self-checkout lane. I don’t care if each of the standard lanes has 3+ people in them (also with full carts) and the self-checkout has 3 people among the 4 total checkouts. If you have a full cart of stuff and you want to use the self-checkout to avoid waiting, tough!
There has been more than one occasion where I go to use one, but end up waiting because 2 or more people shared the brilliant idea that they wanted to use the self-checkout to purchase 50 items. So as these people take their time checking out their vast quantity of items, myself and others are stuck waiting to buy a frozen pizza, or a bag of chips and some bread. And to top it off, they don’t know how to use the machines, so it takes them 2 minutes to scan some peaches and a gallon of milk.
I know most places have a “limit X items” sign by these self-checkouts, but for the locations that do not, either put some up or have the self-checkout attendant make these jerks wait in the real checkout lines. I can only bite my tongue so long before I decide to remind them how they are inconveniencing others.