From Prototype to Playable in One Year

Almost exactly one year ago I began production on what I consider my dream project – a 3D platformer akin to the greats I loved growing up. My biggest obstacle however was my lack of programming knowledge as I mentioned in my other blog post about transitioning from UDK to Unity. I had played many other projects and seen the great things that they had implemented, but I knew I could never do this unless I learned to program. Not only was the language itself foreign to me, but an even more important element escaped my understanding: the logic. So I began to dissect the existing code base or “starter kits” from the asset store and see how it all worked. I was in luck as I was learning as the logic behind the code began to make sense almost immediately. Before long I knew what I wanted to do and how I could go about it, so now it was just a matter of putting that in to code. Continue reading